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About Us


Mediumship is communication with the spiritual world and refers to communication with the departed. The medium can work in active form thus raising his energies and bringing evidence and messages from loved ones or in passive form in a trance state. This second variant is usually performed in closed circles for various reasons and because the medium needs support from those present.

What I perform during my consultations is active mediumship. All my senses are activated to perceive and communicate with them and I transfer what they communicate to me. Before communicating the message I devote a lot of attention to give details about the passing that occurs because it is important that the person really understands who they are.

To know that it is not the medium who decides who arrives but usually who we wish arrives.

Despite what you think this gift when put to others requires a lot of training, dedication, trust and energy and I always try to do my best.

It fills my heart to bring their presence and to see the joy in the eyes of those who feel the closeness of their loved ones everything is transformed but the spirit survives the earthly life.

If you have received mediumship counseling from me I would be very happy if you would leave a comment of your experience, this might help other people who would like to meet me but are still a little doubtful.

Thank you,


I receive in Locarno or online.

For more information : +41 79 715 32 59

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Luisa: There is a saying circulating in the spiritual sector: all mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums. Being a psychic means that you sense energy and can read a person's aura. It also means that you glean information about a person's past, but also about the present and future. During a session, I retrieve information, or try to see, feel and gather information.

Being a medium means that in addition to having abilities your paranormal abilities fully open, you can also channel your energy in such a way as to feel, sense and connect with the consciousness of those who have left their earthly body -- basically, those who are no longer there physically. When we leave our physical body, we are still conscious energy of thought. Mediums can, using their consciousness, tune in (kind of like you do with the radio) and connect with those who are no longer there, receiving information and messages.

Being a medium is like being a translator, translating a universal emotional language into our own language - and, sometimes, it is like hearing words and phrases, feeling impressions about things or watching short sequences of a movie. It is more like receiving information than retrieving it.

With Love and Professionalism as well as humility and humanity always beside you.

Psychic and Medium Luisa Macocchi Angel Coach Channeling bay Doreen Virtue and many other psychics and mediums

I receive in Locarno or online.

For more information :

+41 79 715 32 59

Important reminder in all areas at the Luisa Holistic and Reiki Center and in all that it performs with professionalism and love Luisa Macocchi-Del Priore

Questions about health are not answered. Angel readings give advice and should in no way replace medical advice. Each reading is guided by an Angel and he gives pure advice. However, this should not deny you your free will and freedom of choice. You will always be protected and safe. There are no irretrievable bad choices, so follow your heart.


This site represents our school and is an open site for anyone interested in natural and holistic therapy methods. Through the Holistic and Reiki Center of Locarno at 15 Villibaldo Street this center, offers TREATMENTS for physical and mental well-being through the laying on of hands that channel the Universal Vital Energy that surrounds us. In addition to this, TRAINING COURSES for Reiki therapists are also offered.

The training courses, certified by a Reiki master (Master in Reiki Usui), are developed on three levels and more specifically with Reiki Masters: Luisa Macocchi-Del Priore and Alex Dawson Ter. Compl.

Reiki very effective energy technique ... try it to believe!

During Reiki treatments, when you lay your hands on it, energy flows and a balance of the person on all levels ensues: body, mind, heart and spirit, for his or her highest good.

All the experiences you have been able to go through since your birth have created within you emotional and mental reactions and attitudes that allow you not to feel overwhelmed, useless, abandoned, rejected, humiliated, etc.

The purpose of Reiki treatments

Reiki treatments rebalance the energies of your subtle bodies (auras and chakras) and, as a result, make attunement between other aspects of yourself: such as your emotions, thoughts and various aches and pains ...

When you can keep your aura, chakras and meridians "clean," that is, clear of congested or not vital enough energies, you are able to maintain a better level of health from a holistic point of view, so not only on a physical level, but also on an emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Now, with a Reiki treatment you can start to:

  • recover the energy that you lack;
  • have the strength to live your days with joy;
  • do your best in difficult situations;
  • calm the emotions in turmoil or the swirling thoughts ...

At least 4 weekly treatments are always recommended in the first 4 weeks to see the results that are most congenial to your highest good ... but remember we do not substitute for doctors, we do not diagnose or give medicine ... we are holistic practitioners and complementary therapists who do not substitute for doctors but where appropriate we will work with your medical professional. **Remember to read the important information at the bottom!

You choose the modality you prefer

At the time of your appointment, let's talk together about your goal so that you can achieve the wellness you deserve to have. You can choose to try:

  • 1 Reiki treatment in the studio (of 1 hour);
  • 4 Reiki treatments in the studio (of 1 hour each over a period of 3/43 weeks) to improve or try to resolve an issue
  • you can also continue with a course of Reiki treatments in the studio with the intention of gradually increasing the distance between treatments or if you wish to maintain it as a preventive.

Training Reiki therapists

Reiki Schools for all based in Locarno in Ticino, Switzerland:

also offers trainings in the First, Second and Third Levels, as well as allows for the training of Reiki Masters, who in turn will be responsible for mentoring and training new Reiki teachers.


Reiki bases its power and effectiveness on love and universal energy and has countless uses.

I highly recommend you to go and check out my channel Youtube of the Luisa Holistic and Reiki Center in Locarno where you can search and resent what you need in every moment of your life and more precisely Messages of the Beings of Light channeled by me Luisa Macocchi-Del Priore, meditations, Tethahealing insertions, Reiki etc. etc. practically anything you may need in every moment of your life.

Luisa Macocchi-Del Priore born April 29, 1963 since August 12, 2012 has been a qualified Reiki® Healer Therapist registered in the Cantonal Register of Healers. As well as Master Reiki Usui and Reiki Archangelic with Vivo International School and Reiki QTR with Ileana Rotella in Italy.

Reiki is a very ancient holistic wellness technique, rediscovered and perfected in Japan in 1922 by Master Mikao Usui, based mainly on meditation and listening to oneself, and on the laying on of hands (but not only), for the transmission of energy.

Luisa has also been a certified ThetaHealing® Basic and Advanced teacher since April 29, 2016, having obtained the certification from Founder Vianna Stibal, respectively, she continues to update her work, taking various courses, also as a ThetaHealing® practitioner.

"Thetahealing® is a meditation training technique using a spiritual philosophy of mind-body-spirit improvement and evolution.
Its goals are similar to those of Reiki and it works like Reiki on an energetic level.

Luisa Macocchi-Del Priore was born in Locarno, Ticino, Switzerland. Some members of my family of Italian descent have extrasensory gifts and I since childhood have had the gift of being able to communicate with Angels and Guiding Spirits as well as with time I have been amplified with the gift of speaking with the souls of your deceased loved ones. The messages that come are always full of love, peace, hope and forgiveness ... Your departed loved ones always give loving messages giving answers to their loved ones still living. I am also a certified Doreen Virtue Card Reader®, and Spiritual Coach.

The term channeling, from channel, means the communication between a Spiritual Guide and an ordinary person who becomes an antenna of a message of high spirituality.

CHANNELING https://centro-reiki.ch/medianita/channeling/

MASSAGES OF LIGHT AND FROM HEAVEN https://centro-reiki.ch/medianita/messaggi-dal-cielo/

ENERGY CLEANSING OF THE ENVIRONMENTS:https://centro-reiki.ch/pulizia-energetica/

TELEPATHY WITH ANIMALS: https://centro-reiki.ch/telepatia-con-animali/

PRE-NOTATIONS: https://centro-reiki.ch/prenotazione/

TESTIMONIALS: https://centro-reiki.ch/testimonianze/

FEEDBACK: https://centro-reiki.ch/testimonianze/testimonials/

ℒℴνℯ Luisa Macocchi-Del Priore

Master Angel Life Coach and Psychic and Angelic Medium.

Holistic Practitioner - Psychic - Reiki Master - Spiritual Healer - Master Angel Life Coach - Certified Tethahealing Teacher - Messenger of Light - Certified Angel Card Readers Channel -

Angelic Medium - Angelic and Spiritual Therapies - Spiritual Coach and Counselor - Animal Communicator - Volunteer Humanitarian Worker René Mey - Spiritualcoach

© Copyright 2022 | Luisa Macocchi-Del Priore | Privacy Policy.


I am not a Doctor, I do not make diagnoses and I do not promise Healings. The guest who comes to my center takes full responsibility for his or her own actions and decisions, before, during and after treatment.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION When the word "Healing" or its synonyms are used on this site, they should be interpreted as happiness, peace, harmony, spiritual healing. Any improvements in the physical state should be interpreted as a possible effect of this newfound state of harmony. The Reiki practitioner, respectively an Angelic Medium and Psychic, and any other practitioner working in the Luisa Holistic and Reiki Center is NOT a physician. Under no circumstances can they prescribe or advise against the use of drugs, cures or therapies.

thetahealing reiki holistic therapy centroolisticoereikiluisa gospel therapy macocchi\sensitive\medium luisamacocchidelprior spiritualhealing cartedegliangeli fortune telling fortune teller psychic departed medium clairvoyant clairvoyance channeling meditation schoolReiKi coach angels reflexology evolanima coachspiritual Health wellness yoga family constellations therapistcomplementary consuleur DõTerra meditation campanetibetane psychologytime





evolutionary growth


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Centro Olistico e Reiki Luisa

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    Via Villibaldo Bastoria 15 6600 Solduno

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Centro Olistico e Reiki Luisa

Mon - Sat
09:30 - 20:30 opening hours
15:00 - 17:30 opening hours
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