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Sonja Reichmuth Oase für Körper, Haut & Haar (Cham)

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About Us

Sonja Reichmuth - Your oasis for body, skin & hair

We are always there for you and your wishes! - With an incomparably wide range of solutions for your all-round well-being in a pleasant atmosphere!

With professionalism and style we advise you in all matters relating to body, skin & hair and implement your wishes.

Health coaching with energetic treatment, based on traditional Asian healing arts, if you want to do something good for your body, achieve well-being and health.

**** NEW IN OFFER **. I am very happy to be able to pass on to you another wonderful and beneficial treatment.


Indian facial massage

Radiant skin and youthful appearance. Medical facial treatment, peeling, make-up consultation, professional make-up - all tailored to your skin type.

Matching hairstyle and perfect scalp care for women, men, children and teenagers. Matching your type and appearance, we will find the optimal hair styling for you.

Come and see us! We are looking forward to meeting you!

Sonja Reichmuth and Jasmin Bachmann

We speak german and we speak english

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Location and contact

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Sonja Reichmuth Oase für Körper, Haut & Haar

  • office address office address

    Luzernerstrasse 28 6330 Cham

  • Phone Phone
    0417... Show number 041 783 19 36
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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Sonja Reichmuth Oase für Körper, Haut & Haar

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Mon - Fr
08:30 - 18:30 opening hours
08:00 - 14:00 opening hours