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About Us

You are facing domestic violence. You need support and change in your daily life. DON'T STAY ALONE, D'Mcoaching accompanies you in a calm and discreet environment.

Individual coaching D'Mcoaching will enable you to work specifically on two areas:

  1. Your personal resources: confidence, self-esteem and self-worth, overcoming guilt and shame, controlling fear.
  2. Your concrete objectives: maintaining your professional activity, managing day-to-day life, making decisions, developing a project.

Personal development workshops You will: 1. acquire tools to build self-confidence and self-esteem. 2. Identify your personal resources to deal with the situation. 3. Exchange with other women.

Who are we?

Anne-Laure Dorogi Danielle Dummermuth

Both :

  • Master's degree in psychology
  • IDC-certified professional coaches
  • adult educators, trained and active in the field of violence for over 5 years

D'Mcoaching Association Bd. de Grancy 53 1006 Lausanne By appointment only T +41 21 601 77 33 contact@dmcoaching.ch

Danielle Dummermuth +41 79 307 97 11 ddummermuth@dmcoaching.ch

Anne-Laure Dorogi +41 79 712 60 97 aldorogi@dmcoaching.ch

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Location and contact

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  • office address office address

    Boulevard de Grancy 53 1006 Lausanne

  • Phone Phone
    0216... Show number 021 601 77 33 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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