Craniosacral therapy, trauma therapy, psychological counseling, coaching&supervision, babies&parents,
- scope of application craniosacral therapy/craniosacral osteopathy
- Support of rehabilitation after accidents, operations and illnesses
For physical and psychological support, e.g. in cases of stress, states of exhaustion, depression, sleep disorders and burn-out syndrome
To strengthen, harmonize and promote greater mobility of the musculoskeletal system, e.g. in cases of whiplash, fall and crush trauma, orthopedic complaints.
- For babies: treatment of cranial asymmetries, torticollis, suckling problems, sleeping problems, long crying phases, abdominal cramps (colics).
Healing work with babies and parents
- Baby Parent Center. Body therapeutic pregnancy support and birth preparation.
Pregnancy and birth processing for babies and parents
Outpatient crying clinic: support for regulatory disorders, i.e. sleep & eating disorders, excessive crying (cry baby).
Bonding: support for the bonding process between babies and parents, e.g. birth trauma or postpartum depression. In collaboration with Gina Baldsiefen, aspects of the body-centered method "Bonding through Touch" by Mechthild Deyringer, Basal Stimulation(R) by Prof. A. Fröhlich as well as the body psychotherapy-based "Emotional First Aid EEH" by Thomas Harms and the SAFE program by PD Dr. Karl-Heinz Brisch are included. The work is also based on the principles of working with babies and parents by Ray Castellino.
Home visits for newborns by appointment
Trauma Therapy
- Shock trauma: Somatic Experiencing according to Dr. Peter Levine
- Developmental trauma: Neuroaffective Relationship Model according to Dr. Lawrence Heller. A developmental trauma can occur - and usually in early or earliest childhood - where, with regard to both the nervous system and the relational level, biological and psychological development were impaired. The pathway from the resulting deregulation and associated survival strategies into self-regulation and presence is oriented around the question : "What is keeping me from being fully present in relation to myself and others right now?" and explores possible answers to this question at both the cognitive and emotional and physical levels.
- Coping with traumatic events on a physical and psychological level (possibly involving Opferhilfe Bern)
- Regulation of the vegetative and central nervous system as a result of post-traumatic stress disorders
- Resource-oriented reappraisal of stressful life situations
Counseling, body-centered coaching & supervision
- Clarification of complex or stressful life situations
- Solution of mental and situational entanglements
- Decision-making situations: finding one's own point of view, a clear attitude, the inner voice
- Life projects: getting on the track of the essential
- life counseling
- Coaching in change processes
- supervision